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North West Farnham Residents Association website



A flurry of documents have landed on the Waverley Planning Site recently, our local councillors are reviewing them in preparation for potentially being listed for determination at WBC's Planning Meeting on the 18th of September - we will keep you updated as and when we know more.

This website is devoted to the interests of the residents of North West Farnham, an area extending (for the purposes of the Association) to the North from the Alton Road up to the Odiham Road, and to the West from Folly Hill as far as Dippenhall.


Membership is open to everyone who lives in this area, and currently costs £5 per household per annum. Our Bank Details are North West Farnham Residents Association -  SORT CODE: 30-93-20 ACCOUNT # 00471848 so you can set up a Standing Order.

Contact us with your ideas

You can use the Contact Us Form page by clicking the link above.

Please note that if your email is thought to be of general interest to the members of the Association it may be reproduced on this site. By sending an email you accept this possibility.

Committee Members

David King - Chair 
Richard Gunner - Treasurer
Julie Russ - Secretary
Penny Marriott
Vivienne Miller
Anne Pullinger
Tony Rooth

 If you feel that you could give a few hours of your time every now and then and would like to join The Committee - please would you use the Contact Us Link? 

 We are also looking for Newsletter distributors to households in their area - please also use the Contact Us Link if you would like to help us - even better - please drop us an email giving us your email address and we will keep you updated!