The purpose of the association

The North West Farnham Residents Association was formed in 1975 following an application to develop and build on the fields between Old Park Lane and Crondall Lane. The Association now covers most of the residential area around those fields - extending to the North from the Alton Road up to the Odiham Road, and to the West from Folly Hill as far as Dippenhall. Membership is open to everyone who lives in this area, and costs £3 per household per annum. 

Members' Meetings 
The Annual General Meeting is held in June or July each year, and includes a panel session after the usual formal business at which members have the chance to question and talk to local representatives from the Town Council, from Waverley Borough Council and from Surrey County Council. 

Another meeting is held in the autumn at which there is an invited speaker talking on a subject of local interest. Recent speakers have between them covered the history of the Farnham area from its most ancient times (the last 500,000 years) to a rather more recent era (the last 50 years). 

Members also receive a Newsletter before each of these meetings, either by email or a notice on the website. 

Objects & Activities 
According to the formal Constitution of the Association, its objects are:

Members of the Committee monitor all planning applications in the area and send comments in to the planning authorities if any proposals seem to be particularly detrimental to the neighbourhood. In addition, the Association is frequently asked to contribute to the discussion of a huge variety of Town, Borough and County Council matters. Recently, the Committee has had the chance to comment on the Farnham Design Statement, the provision of extra housing in the area, community services (such as libraries and youth services) and the new Community Safety Strategy.